There are 400 oral math problems in the fifth grade of primary school Scores are OK

There are 400 oral math problems in the fifth grade of primary school Scores are OK

3.4-1.4= 7.82-7.2= 2.19+9.1=
10.1-0.89= 0.68+0.42= 8.1-5.1=
0.728-0.24= 0.8+0.18= 0.89-0.25=
1-0.98= 0.048+0.52= 5×400=
19.9+11.1= 187÷1000= 1+3.89=
0.081×10= 75÷10= 0.96÷0.8=
0.8×7= 1.5×7= 1.32×8=
0.7×8= 10.3×2= 5×0.6=
0.9×0.3= 3.5×0.2= 2.01×0=
10×0.05= 0.13×7= 0.21×100=
0.7×4= 0.05×4= 4×0.3=430-250= 0.17+0.06= 1.02-0.09=
7200÷800= 0.17+0.6= 0.83-0.6=
17×300= 0.98-0.09= 0.2+0.78=
600×700= 10.2+0.02= 0.15+0.7=
670+250= 10.2+0.2= 9.2-6=
8500÷500= 3.2-3.2= 3.7+2.3=
25×100= 3.2-0.32= 2+2.8=
380-290= 0.35+0.5= 0.35+0.63=
3500÷70= 3.1+3= 3.8+0.38=
7500÷250= 3.8+1= 0.95-0.05=
450+780= 3.1+0.3= 3+0.3=
630÷9= 4.5-0.4= 9.5-5=
330×9= 9.53-1.53= 9.5-0.5=
3.5+2.4= 1-0.95= 0.3+0.27=
0.47+0.13= 4.5+4= 4-0.6=
0.95+0.05= 2.5+3.2= 0.74+0.16=
23×100= 9.8-4.8= 480÷40=
0.53÷100= 5.1+2.3= 125×80=
0.078÷10= 0.52+0.4= 70×12=
0.25×100= 3.4-2.8= 0.6-0.37=
0.052×10= 10+0.08= 1-0.75=
0.5×1000= 7.82+0.3= 13.5+6.5=
3.05×100= 1.2-0.8= 21.6-12.6=
63÷100= 0.83-0.5= 0.76+0.14=
80÷1000= 2.7+0.4= 0.72-0.43=
30×100= 0.92-0.2= 3.5+4.8=
3.5+2.4= 5+0.07= 1-0.61=
0.47+0.23= 0.25+0.75= 3.7+0.33=
0.51+0.33= 1-0.6= 8-4.6=
5.8-3.6= 0.52+0.4= 6.45+5.5=
4.5-1.3= 3.4-2.8= 9.53-1.53=
8.8-6.7= 10+0.08= 9.5-7.3=
7.2+0.8= 7.82+0.3= 8.8-6.7=
9.5-7.3= 1-0.95= 3.4-2.8=
0.96-0.35= 9.53-1.53= 0.25+0.75=
1.2-0.8= 0.83-0.5= 2.7+0
12.5×8= 2.3×4= 3.25×0=
0.4×50= 30×0.1= 2.6×3=
4.1×2= 0.35×0.2= 7.5×0.1=