Mathematics Grade 5 Volume 2 mathematics diary 200 words

Mathematics Grade 5 Volume 2 mathematics diary 200 words

Primary school fifth grade volume II mathematics diary, see if it's ok?
It's sunny on Sunday, July 31
Today, dad gave me a task to estimate how many people live in our community?
How can I finish this task? It's impossible to ask me to make statistics one by one. I've thought for a long time. If I can know how many houses there are in our community, how many households there are in each house, and how many people there are in each household, I'll count them out!
How can I know how many houses there are in our community? I remember that there is a community distribution map in our community. I immediately went downstairs to find the distribution map. I saw that the biggest house number on the distribution map is 161. But not all 161 buildings are the same height, including villas, small high-rise buildings and multi-storey apartments. Among them, there are 3 small high-rise buildings with 11 floors, each with 2 house numbers, and 10 villas, The rest are 6-storey multi-storey apartments. How many house numbers are there in multi-storey apartments? It should be calculated as follows: 161-3 × 2-10 × 1 = 145
Knowing the number of house numbers and floors, I can calculate the number of households, but how many people should be counted in each household? I assume that each household has three people. The total number of villas is 10 × 3 = 30; the total number of small high-rise buildings is 3 × 2 × 11 × 2 × 3 = 396; the total number of multi-storey apartments is 145 × 6 × 2 × 3 = 5220. Therefore, the total number of small area is 30 + 396 + 5220 = 5646
After finishing my father's task, I feel very happy. I think I'm quite capable. I can also count the number of people living in the community. It's not easy
It's fine on Saturday, August 15
On a sunny day, my parents took me to buy Stationery. When I got to the stationery shop, I saw all kinds of book covers, including Miss Rabbit's, pleasant goat's and grey wolf's, blue bear's As soon as I looked at the price list, the small book case cost 5.00 yuan per pack, and the large book case cost 6.00 yuan per pack, I immediately took 5 small book cases and 4 large book cases. Walking along, I saw a beautiful pencil case with a price of 6.00 yuan per pack. My mother said, "there are several pencil cases, I still need to buy them!" "the last one!" I pleaded. "OK, the last one!" "Well!" she said, I picked up the pencil bag I picked and put it in the basket
When I got to the cashier, my father said, "how much do you want to spend first?" I counted: "5 × 5 + 6 × 4 + 6, um. 25 + 24 + 6 = 55 yuan!" my mother handed the 55 yuan to the salesman, and our family went home happily