Simple calculation Simple calculation: 66 × 101 6.86-1.57-3.43 5.2 × 8.4 + one and three fifths × 5.2 One and a quarter × 25 × 4 × 8 Calculation: 2.3 + 0.45 △ 0.9-0.75 188÷47×122÷8 3.6-1 × (0.75 + 1 / 3) × 13 / 8 8 / 9 × [3 / 4 - (7 / 16-1 / 4)]

Simple calculation Simple calculation: 66 × 101 6.86-1.57-3.43 5.2 × 8.4 + one and three fifths × 5.2 One and a quarter × 25 × 4 × 8 Calculation: 2.3 + 0.45 △ 0.9-0.75 188÷47×122÷8 3.6-1 × (0.75 + 1 / 3) × 13 / 8 8 / 9 × [3 / 4 - (7 / 16-1 / 4)]

Simple calculation: 66 × 101 6.86-1.57-3.43 5.2 × 8.4 + one and three fifths × 5.2 one and one fourth × 25 × 4 × 8 = 66x100 + 66x1 = 6.86 - (1.57 + 3.43) = 5.2x (8.4 + 1.6) = (1.25x8) x (25x4) = 6600 + 66 = 6.86-5 = 5.2x10 = 10x100 = 6666 = 1.86 = 52 = 1000