On Division To water / honey = how many kilograms of honey per kilogram, or how many kilograms of water per kilogram . A series of. Help me write a few. Tell me why, How about the floor area and the number of bricks? Or the number of bricks and the floor area

On Division To water / honey = how many kilograms of honey per kilogram, or how many kilograms of water per kilogram . A series of. Help me write a few. Tell me why, How about the floor area and the number of bricks? Or the number of bricks and the floor area

① Water / honey: the content of water in honey is understood as the amount of water in 1kg honey. This is generally used to express the content. It is the mass of the substance to be determined divided by the total amount of the substance to be measured
For example, iodine / milk powder refers to the iodine content in milk powder
Sugar / cereal refers to the sugar content in cereal
For the "/" (division sign) should be understood as: denominator is the total amount, divisor, molecule is the determination of the target, is the divisor
② If it is the floor area / number of bricks, then it is the area of each brick
If it is the number of bricks / floor area, then it is the number of bricks required per unit area