The taxi charge standard of a city is: the starting price is 3 km 5 yuan, more than 3 km, 1 km plus 1 yuan during the day; after 10 pm, 1.2 yuan per km At 22:15, Aunt Wang took a taxi to the fire station for a total of 7.8 kilometers. How much should Aunt Wang pay?

The taxi charge standard of a city is: the starting price is 3 km 5 yuan, more than 3 km, 1 km plus 1 yuan during the day; after 10 pm, 1.2 yuan per km At 22:15, Aunt Wang took a taxi to the fire station for a total of 7.8 kilometers. How much should Aunt Wang pay?

7.8-3 = 4.8 4.8 is about 5 5 + 5x1.2 = 11 (yuan)