The power of (1 / 16) is 0.75-2log5, the power of (1 / 16) is 10-log5 and the power of (1 / 16) is 0.25

The power of (1 / 16) is 0.75-2log5, the power of (1 / 16) is 10-log5 and the power of (1 / 16) is 0.25

The power of (1 / 16) is 0.75-2log5, the power of (1 / 16) is 10-log5 and the power of (1 / 16) is 0.25
=1/16-4-1/8-log5 10^2-log5 0.25
=-4-1/16-log5 100*0.25