The picture and drawing method of absolute value function in grade two y=|x| y=2|x| y=-5|x| y=|x+3| y=|x|-4 y=|x+5| y=|x-6| y=-5|x|+3 y=5|x|-3 It's OK to talk about the method. How many can you write~

The picture and drawing method of absolute value function in grade two y=|x| y=2|x| y=-5|x| y=|x+3| y=|x|-4 y=|x+5| y=|x-6| y=-5|x|+3 y=5|x|-3 It's OK to talk about the method. How many can you write~

If it is in the form of y = | KX + B | then first draw y = KX + B, and then symmetry the part below the x-axis with respect to the x-axis
If it is in the form of y = k|x| + B, first draw y = KX + B, and then symmetry the left part of y-axis with respect to y-axis