8. Given points a (2,6), B (3,4) on the image of an inverse scale function (1), find the analytic expression of the inverse scale function; (2) If the line y = MX intersects the line AB, find the value range of M

8. Given points a (2,6), B (3,4) on the image of an inverse scale function (1), find the analytic expression of the inverse scale function; (2) If the line y = MX intersects the line AB, find the value range of M

So k = XY
Put a in
So y = 12 / X
If the line passes a, then M = Y / x = 6 / 2 = 3
If the line passes B, then M = Y / x = 4 / 3
If it intersects the line AB, then M is between the two
So 4 / 3 ≤ m ≤ 3