The fourth grade of primary school mathematics for the next semester

The fourth grade of primary school mathematics for the next semester

The final simulation test of Mathematics for grade four in primary school
Mathematics simulation test of the fourth grade of primary school in the second semester
(time limit: 90 minutes, Full Score: 100)
Class name score
1、 Multiple choice questions (3 × 10 = 30 points)
1. In the following numbers, each zero reads ()
A 、74080 B、7040080 C、7040801 D、74000801
2. The approximate number of a number after "five entries" is 1 billion, and the minimum number of tens of millions of bits of this number is ()
A、9 B、5 C、4 D、0
3. There are four kinds of objects: A, B, C and D. their lengths are as follows. Then the longest object is ()
A. 680 mm B, 4 decim C, 2 M D, 216 cm
4. In the year of A.D., what is not a leap year is ()
A. 1996 B, 2000 C, 2008 D, 2100
5. 0.99 plus () is exactly 1
A、0.01 B、0.001 C、0.11 D、0.1
6. Cut a corner off a rectangular piece of paper, and there are () corners left
A. 3 B, 4 C, 5 d, the first three are possible
7. What is the product of the difference between 85 and 25 multiplied by the sum of 34 and 16
A、85-25×34+16 B、(85-25)×34+16
C、(85-25)×(34+16) D、85-25×(34+16)
8. 97 to the nearest tenth is ()
A、9.9 B、9.90 C、10 D、10.0
9. Given A-B = C, if a increases by 30 and C remains unchanged, then B will ()
A. Increase 30 B, decrease 30 C, do not increase or decrease D, increase by half
10. Four points that are not on the same line can be connected into () line segments at most
A. 6 B, 5 C, 4 D, innumerable
2、 Fill in the blanks. (2 × 4 = 8 points)
1. The unit of 0.54 is (), which has () such units
2. The number of 3290078000 is changed into ten thousand units, which is about ()
3、24×9+ ×36=( +36)×
4. 52kg = () kg () g
3 tons 750 kg = () tons
3、 Answer questions. (18 + 6 + 8 + 6 = 38 points)
1. Calculate the following questions. If you can do it easily, do it easily. (3 × 6 = 18 points)
①3200÷(1880-72×25) ②71×25+71×76
③125×32×25 ④2043+7084÷7×13
⑤398+167+102+333 ⑥14-3.86-6.17
2. Find the unknown X. (3 × 2 = 6 points)
①X-48.5=121 ②650÷X=13
3. (4 × 2 = 8 points)
① A number reduced by 25 times is 40. What's the number?
② What's the product of 23 plus 360 divided by 45 and multiplying the sum by 61?
4. Draw a picture. (3 × 2 = 6 points)
① Make the vertical line and parallel line of known straight line through point a
A .
② Draw a triangle and make the height of two sides
4、 Use mathematics. (6 × 4 = 24 points)
1. "If you want to be healthy, drink Xiwang every day." a yoghurt production line of Yichang Xiwang dairy factory produces 24000 cups of Xiwang yoghurt in six hours. According to this calculation, how many thousands of yoghurt can the four production lines produce in one day?
2. On June 1, the water level in front of the dam was 75 meters above sea level. 15 days later, the Three Gorges Reservoir impounded to 135 meters above sea level?
3. In the struggle against SARS, we hope that the primary school will donate 6 yuan to the district health and epidemic prevention station, 76 people in the fifth grade, 98 people in the sixth grade, and 8 yuan to each. How many yuan will the two grades donate?
4. The leader went to charter the ship
There are 50 students going boating. The big boat can take 6 people each, and the rent is 10 yuan. The small boat can take 4 people each, and the rent is 8 yuan. If you are the leader, how do you plan to rent a boat?