There are only four rational numbers, of which the sum of every three numbers is 3, 5, 13 and 15 respectively. How much is the product of these four rational numbers emergency

There are only four rational numbers, of which the sum of every three numbers is 3, 5, 13 and 15 respectively. How much is the product of these four rational numbers emergency

Let these four rational numbers be a, B, C and D respectively
a+b+c=3 ①
b+c+d=5 ②
c+d+a=13 ③
d+a+c=15 ④
Three (a + B + C + D) = 3 + 5 + 13 + 15 = 36
So a + B + C + D = 12
⑤ (2) a = 7
⑤ (3) B = - 1
⑤ (4) C = - 3
⑤ - D = 9
So the product of these four numbers is 189