The difference between be interrogative sentence and general interrogative sentence Are you speak chinese? Do you speak chinese? What's the difference? It means the same Why is it wrong

The difference between be interrogative sentence and general interrogative sentence Are you speak chinese? Do you speak chinese? What's the difference? It means the same Why is it wrong

…… My lord The first sentence I've never seen
Are you speaking Chinese, and the meaning is different from the second sentence
In addition, my explanation is:
There are two basic sentence patterns: S + V + P [subject + copula + predicative], for example: she feels good. And S + v [subject + verb], for example: he runs
To be honest, I suggest you go to the encyclopedia to see what "linking verb" is. It's too much. It's very troublesome to fight
The verb be is the most important copula
In fact, I think the question should be changed to: the difference between special questions and general questions
Ah, there are so many things to say in the fight I enumerate below, building is big you still go Baidu a few
First of all, you should understand the components of the sentence. What is a predicative and what is a copula
After that, we can understand how the declarative sentence format of these two sentences is before they are transformed into interrogative sentences
The two sentence patterns follow different principles when they are transformed into interrogative sentences?
…… Hard work I hope it can help
Oh, by the way, about Vickie_ For the explanation of mateets sauce, let me explain:
When a verb turns into ing, it becomes a gerund. Because gerund has the nature of position and verb, it can follow the copula as a predicative