When to use auxiliary verbs and be verbs in special questions For example, where do you live? Why not say where are you live?

When to use auxiliary verbs and be verbs in special questions For example, where do you live? Why not say where are you live?

Let me tell you
For a sentence: I am a student
Am is a verb to be, followed by [predicative], that is, a student
However, when we express meaning, not every sentence will be expressed with the verb be,
It's a notional verb
Real verbs, as the name suggests, are verbs with real meaning, such as make, play, etc
Let me give you an example
He plays the piano.
He does play the piano
"Does" is called "auxiliary verb", which has no real meaning and plays a structural role
Auxiliary verbs are used in sentences with a notional verb (not be verb) as predicate
Although you give questions, the truth is the same
Where do you live can be reversed to you do live where
Live is a notional verb, so it needs the support of the auxiliary verb do
Therefore, as a sentence with a notional verb live as predicate, we can't use be verbs such as are,
So "where are you live" is illegal