He was just an ordinary postman.Day After day, he shuttled back and forth across the village.For him,life was without waves.   One day,he was delivering mail as usual.When he looked up in the sky,he suddenly lost his balance.It Was a little stone that tripped him up beautiful.In His eyes, this stone was like a lost jewel covered with dust.The postman then placed the stone in his bag carefully.Because of this stone’s arrival,his day was lightened.He suddenly had a bold thought—I can build a castle with such beautiful stones.How magnificent it will be!   His ordinary life started to be different since then.He still delivered mail,but he collected every stone he could find along the way.All those dusty stones,in his eyes,glittered like diamonds.   Gradually,his small bag couldn’t hold his stones anymore and he needed to use a wheelbarrow to carry them.People didn’t understand what happened when they saw the postman delivering letters with a wheelbarrow full of stones. What do you think of the postman?

He was just an ordinary postman.Day After day, he shuttled back and forth across the village.For him,life was without waves.   One day,he was delivering mail as usual.When he looked up in the sky,he suddenly lost his balance.It Was a little stone that tripped him up beautiful.In His eyes, this stone was like a lost jewel covered with dust.The postman then placed the stone in his bag carefully.Because of this stone’s arrival,his day was lightened.He suddenly had a bold thought—I can build a castle with such beautiful stones.How magnificent it will be!   His ordinary life started to be different since then.He still delivered mail,but he collected every stone he could find along the way.All those dusty stones,in his eyes,glittered like diamonds.   Gradually,his small bag couldn’t hold his stones anymore and he needed to use a wheelbarrow to carry them.People didn’t understand what happened when they saw the postman delivering letters with a wheelbarrow full of stones. What do you think of the postman?

they are hard working and active