He was just an ordinarypostman.Dayafter day,he shuttled(穿梭)back and forth across thevillage.Forhim,life was without waves. One day,he was delivering mail asusual.Whenhe looked up in the sky,he suddenly lost hisbalance.Itwas a little stone that tripped him up(絆倒).He observed the stone that had embarrassed(難堪)him,finding it strange butbeautiful.Inhis eyes,this stone was like a lost jewel(寶石)covered withdust.Thepostman then placedthe stone in his bagcarefully.Becauseof this stone’s arrival,his day waslightened.Hesuddenly had a bold thought—I can build a castle with such beautifulstones.Howmagnificent it will be! His ordinary life started to be different sincethen.Hestill delivered mail,but he collected every stone he could find along theway.Allthose dusty stones,in his eyes,glittered like diamonds. Gradually,his small bag couldn’t hold his stones anymore and he needed to use a wheelbarrow to carrythem.Peopledidn’t understand what happened when they saw the postman delivering letters with a wheelbarrow full of stones. 問題What do you think of the postman?

He was just an ordinarypostman.Dayafter day,he shuttled(穿梭)back and forth across thevillage.Forhim,life was without waves. One day,he was delivering mail asusual.Whenhe looked up in the sky,he suddenly lost hisbalance.Itwas a little stone that tripped him up(絆倒).He observed the stone that had embarrassed(難堪)him,finding it strange butbeautiful.Inhis eyes,this stone was like a lost jewel(寶石)covered withdust.Thepostman then placedthe stone in his bagcarefully.Becauseof this stone’s arrival,his day waslightened.Hesuddenly had a bold thought—I can build a castle with such beautifulstones.Howmagnificent it will be! His ordinary life started to be different sincethen.Hestill delivered mail,but he collected every stone he could find along theway.Allthose dusty stones,in his eyes,glittered like diamonds. Gradually,his small bag couldn’t hold his stones anymore and he needed to use a wheelbarrow to carrythem.Peopledidn’t understand what happened when they saw the postman delivering letters with a wheelbarrow full of stones. 問題What do you think of the postman?

they are hard working and active