On English phrasal sentence making~ Make a sentence with each of the following phrases ~ soon ~ thank you very much! 1) Provide sb.with sth. 2)provide sth.for sb. 3) Stay on sth 4) Set out to do 5) Go to press

On English phrasal sentence making~ Make a sentence with each of the following phrases ~ soon ~ thank you very much! 1) Provide sb.with sth. 2)provide sth.for sb. 3) Stay on sth 4) Set out to do 5) Go to press

1) Provide sb.with sth.
The witness provided the police with some more information he remembered on the case.
2)provide sth.for sb.
The policewoman provided a ride for the old lady who lost her purse.
3) Stay on sth
I insist on having this meeting on Friday afternoon.
4) Set out to do
Tommy set out to study geology at a university in England.
5) Go to press
This book will go to press by the end of this month.