關於英語短語造句…緊急~ 用以下短語各造一個句子~馬上就要的~萬分感激! 1)provide(提供)sb.withsth. 2)providesth.forsb. 3)insist on sth.(堅持) 4)set out to do(著手.;核實) 5)go to press(出版;付印)

關於英語短語造句…緊急~ 用以下短語各造一個句子~馬上就要的~萬分感激! 1)provide(提供)sb.withsth. 2)providesth.forsb. 3)insist on sth.(堅持) 4)set out to do(著手.;核實) 5)go to press(出版;付印)

The witness provided the police with some more information he remembered on the case.
The policewoman provided a ride for the old lady who lost her purse.
3)insist on sth.(堅持)
I insist on having this meeting on Friday afternoon.
4)set out to do(著手.;核實)
Tommy set out to study geology at a university in England.
5)go to press(出版;付印)
This book will go to press by the end of this month.