初二英語造句 用expensive boring cheap special interesting一個造兩個句子

初二英語造句 用expensive boring cheap special interesting一個造兩個句子

expensive:1.It's too expensive for me to buy.太貴了,我買不起.
2.This clothes is too expensive.這件衣服太貴了.
boring:1.Are allyour meetings so boring?你開的所有會議都這麼無聊嗎?
2.This book is boring.這本書是無聊的.
cheap:1.He bought a cheap book.他買了一本廉價的書.
2.This is a cheap novel.這是一本低廉的小說.
special:1.I havenothing special tonight.今晚我沒有什麼特別的事.
2.His own special talents.他獨特的才能.
interesting:1.All thepeople say that Jim is an intereting guy.人們都說吉姆是個有趣的傢伙
2.This is an interesting chemistry lesson.這是一堂有趣的化學課.