Who knows the subject, adjective, predicate, object, noun and so on in English Like something

Who knows the subject, adjective, predicate, object, noun and so on in English Like something

Best answer 1. Subject
Subject refers to the person or thing that a sentence mainly describes. It is usually used by nouns, pronouns, numerals, infinitives, etc
He likes watching TV
2. Predicate
The predicate describes the action, state, or characteristic of the subject
Generally, it can be divided into two categories
1) Simple predicate
Composed of verbs (or phrasal verbs)
It can have different tenses, voice and mood
We study for the peo'ple
2) Compound predicate: modal verb + infinitive
I can speak a little English
3. Expression
The predicative is a part of the predicate, which is located after the copula such as be, indicating the identity, characteristics, attributes or state of the subject. It is generally served by nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, infinitives, prepositional phrases, etc
My sister is a nurse
4. Object
Object refers to the object of action, followed by transitive verbs, nouns, pronouns, numerals, infinitives, etc
We like English
Some transitive verbs can take two objects, one refers to person and the other refers to object
He gave me some ink
Some transitive verbs need a complement after the object to complete the meaning. The object and its complement form a compound object
We make him our monitor
5. Attributive
An attributive is an element that modifies a noun or pronoun in a sentence
The main attributives are adjectives, pronouns, numerals, nouns, adverbs, infinitives, prepositional phrases and so on. When adjectives, pronouns, numerals, nouns and so on are used as attributives, they are usually placed in front of the modified words
He is a new student
But adverbs, infinitives, prepositional phrases and so on are placed after the modified words
The bike in the room is mine
6. Adverbial
Adverbials modify verbs, adjectives, adverbs and sentence elements of the whole sentence. Adverbials are usually used as adverbs, prepositional phrases, infinitives and clauses. Adverbials are usually placed after the modified word or at the end of the sentence. Adverbs can be placed before or at the beginning of the modified word when they are used as adverbials
He lives in London
in general
Subject is the person or thing to be expressed and described in a sentence. It is the main body of the sentence. It can be undertaken by nouns, pronouns, numerals, nominalized adjectives, infinitives, gerunds and subject clauses
The predicate is used to explain what action the subject has done or what state he is in. The predicate can be assumed by the verb, usually placed after the subject
The object is the object or acceptor of action, often behind transitive verbs or prepositions. The object can be a noun, pronoun, numeral, nominalized adjective, infinitive, gerund, object clause, etc
Attributives are used to describe the nature, characteristic range and other situations of nouns, pronouns, phrases or clauses. Attributives can be nouns, adjectives and words and phrases that act as nouns and adjectives. If the attributive is a single word, the attributive is placed in front of the modified word. If it is a phrase, the attributive is placed behind the modified word
Adverbial: adverbial refers to the time, place, reason, purpose, result, way, condition or accompanying situation, degree, etc. adverbial can be used by adverbs, phrases and clauses
Complements are the elements that supplement the result, degree, tendency, possibility, state and quantity of a predicate
The relationship between complement and predicate is that between complement and complement, between explanation and explanation, and between complement and predicate is that between complement and verb or adjective, which can answer questions such as "how", "how many times", "where", "when" and "what result", In addition to directional verbs, quantifiers, prepositional structures and some adjectives can be used as complements directly, adjectives, quantifiers, directional verbs and prepositional structures are often used as complements
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