The existing pz220-40 and pz220-100 bulbs each one, put them in parallel in the 220 V circuit, they can normally light up, now give you one The existing pz220-40 and pz220-100 bulbs have one each. If they are connected in parallel in a 220 V circuit, they can light normally. Now I give you a variable resistor. When the variable resistor is connected with a certain bulb, the power of the two bulbs should be the same (the brightness is the same). Draw the circuit connection diagram and calculate the resistance value of the variable resistor

The existing pz220-40 and pz220-100 bulbs each one, put them in parallel in the 220 V circuit, they can normally light up, now give you one The existing pz220-40 and pz220-100 bulbs have one each. If they are connected in parallel in a 220 V circuit, they can light normally. Now I give you a variable resistor. When the variable resistor is connected with a certain bulb, the power of the two bulbs should be the same (the brightness is the same). Draw the circuit connection diagram and calculate the resistance value of the variable resistor

Pz220-100 and rheostat are connected in series to the power supply (220 V voltage), and then pz220-40 is directly connected to the power supply (220 V voltage). The resistance of pz220-100 is 484 Ω. Now the actual power of pz220-100 is required to be 40 W, and the current through it is p = I * I * r i = sqrt (40 / 484). The voltage at both ends of pz220-100 is p = u * U / r u =