Is there no singular and plural in English, Japanese and Chinese?

Is there no singular and plural in English, Japanese and Chinese?

Japanese and Chinese are homomorphic
For your reference:
In English, some nouns are singular and plural, mainly in the following categories:
1. Some animal nouns
2. Some nouns for people
3. Craft and nouns consisting of - Craft
4. Some nouns indicating quantity
5. Others
The singular and plural of the following nouns are in the same form:
Antelope, Bison bison, buffalo, crab, deer deer, fish, reindeer, sheep; Burmese, Cantonese, Cantonese, Chinese, counsel legal adviser, kin relatives, Japanese, Swiss Swiss Swiss; aircraft, craft, spacecraft; brance, double, There are only plural nouns in the series, trousers pants, pants, shorts, glasses, compasses compasses, scales, scales, pliers, pliers, clips, scissors, traffic lights, sports
Collective nouns, in the singular but in the plural
People, police, cat are plural, sometimes family has the same usage
The Chinese people are industrious and brave