What is the sum of n roots of the equation of degree n in one variable? Can there be a proof process/ One variable n-th path The sum of n roots of XN + an-1xn-1 + ····· + a1x + A0 = 0 is equal to?

What is the sum of n roots of the equation of degree n in one variable? Can there be a proof process/ One variable n-th path The sum of n roots of XN + an-1xn-1 + ····· + a1x + A0 = 0 is equal to?

It is the opposite of the coefficient of the second term: - A (n-1). Note: the number in brackets after a and B denotes the subscript
Let its N solutions be B (I), where I is an integer from 1 to n
Then (X-B (1)) (X-B (2)) (X-B (n)) = 0, the coefficient of x ^ (n-1) term is - Σ B (I) = a (n-1), then Σ B (I) = -- a (n-1)
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