What are prime numbers, composite numbers, coprime numbers, prime numbers

What are prime numbers, composite numbers, coprime numbers, prime numbers

Prime numbers should be prime factors
The concepts we discussed are all natural numbers, and there are no fractions, decimals, negative numbers and zeros
Factor: for example, a * b = C, then both a and B are factors of C
Prime number: there is no other factor except that it can be divided by 1 and itself. Then this number is prime number, also called prime number. For example, 2,3,5,7,11,13 and so on. 1 is neither prime nor composite number, so it is stipulated
Composite number: apart from being divisible by 1 and itself, it can also be divisible by other factors. Such numbers are composite numbers, such as 4 (2 * 2) 6 (2 * 3) 8 (2 * 4) 9 (3 * 3), etc
Prime factor: the factor of a composite number is a prime number, and this factor is the prime factor. For example, 8 has two factors, 2 and 4, and 2 is the prime factor. 4 is a composite number and can be divided into 2 * 2, so it is not a prime factor
Coprime number: two natural numbers that do not have the same factor. That is to say, two numbers (not necessarily prime numbers, or composite numbers) do not have the same factor (except 1). For example, 8 and 9 have two factors, 2 and 4. The factor of 9 is 3, and there is no same factor, so coprime. 6 and 9 are not, because they have the same factor 3