There is a six digit a1989b which can be divided by 44. This six digit is () the difference between two natural numbers is 3, and their greatest common factor and least common multiple are 180 There is a six digit a1989b that can be divided by 44. This six digit is () The difference between two natural numbers is 3, and their greatest common factor and least common multiple are 180. These two numbers are () and ()

There is a six digit a1989b which can be divided by 44. This six digit is () the difference between two natural numbers is 3, and their greatest common factor and least common multiple are 180 There is a six digit a1989b that can be divided by 44. This six digit is () The difference between two natural numbers is 3, and their greatest common factor and least common multiple are 180. These two numbers are () and ()

According to the law of integral division, a19, 089b can be divided by 4 and 11
So 9b is divisible by 4, B = 2, 6
Moreover, a + 9 + 9 - (1 + 8 + b) = 9 + a - B can be divisible by 11, and 9 + a - B ≤ 9 + 9 - B < 9 + 9 = 18
9 + A - B = 11
A = 2 + B
When B = 2, a = 4
When B = 6, a = 8
So this six digit number is:
419 8 92 or 819 8 96
Natural numbers x, x + 3
Least common multiple = product of two numbers △ greatest common factor
There is
LCM × MCF = product of two numbers
X (X + 3) = 180
X = 12 or x = - 15 (discard)
These two numbers are 12 and 15
The solution of the quadratic equation with one variable is obtained
X = 12 or x = - 15 (discard)
The two numbers are (12) and (15)