Why the derivative of F Λ 2 (x) is not 2F (x) If u = f (x), then y = u Λ 2, y '= 2U = 2F (x)

Why the derivative of F Λ 2 (x) is not 2F (x) If u = f (x), then y = u Λ 2, y '= 2U = 2F (x)

The concept of composite function: generally, for two functions y = f (U) and u = g (x), if y can be expressed as the function of X through variable U, then this function is called the composite function of functions y = f (U) and u = g (x), denoted as y = f (g (x)). Derivative of composite function: derivative of composite function y = f (g (x)) and function y = f (U), u = g (x)