Known 123456789101112 997998999 is a number arranged by consecutive integers 1 to 999. In the number, the number on the 2013 bit from left to right is______ .

Known 123456789101112 997998999 is a number arranged by consecutive integers 1 to 999. In the number, the number on the 2013 bit from left to right is______ .

∵ there are 9 1-digit, 90 2-digit, 900 3-digit ∵ 2013-9-180 = 1824, ∵ 18243 = 608, ∵ this 608 is the 608th number after 99 ∵ this number is 707, the third digit is 7, so the number from left to right in 2013 is 7. So the answer is: 7