If the fraction m-2 / (M-3) (m ^ 2-1) is meaningless, then the value of M is If the fraction m-2 / (M-3) (m ^ 2-1) is meaningless, then the value of M is

If the fraction m-2 / (M-3) (m ^ 2-1) is meaningless, then the value of M is If the fraction m-2 / (M-3) (m ^ 2-1) is meaningless, then the value of M is

If the fraction m-2 / (M-3) (m ^ 2-1) is meaningless, then the value of M
Then the denominator (M-3) (m ^ 2-1) = 0
So: (M-3) (m-1) (M + 1) = 0
So: when m = - 1 or M = 1 or M = 3, the fraction is meaningless