There is a two digit number. If you transpose its digits A and ten digit number B, under what circumstances will you get two digits larger than the original two digits? There is a two digit number. If you transpose its digits A and ten digit number B, under what circumstances will you get two digits larger than the original two digits? Under what circumstances will you get two digits smaller than the original two digits? Under what circumstances will you get two digits equal to the original two digits?

There is a two digit number. If you transpose its digits A and ten digit number B, under what circumstances will you get two digits larger than the original two digits? There is a two digit number. If you transpose its digits A and ten digit number B, under what circumstances will you get two digits larger than the original two digits? Under what circumstances will you get two digits smaller than the original two digits? Under what circumstances will you get two digits equal to the original two digits?

Suppose that the single digit is a and the ten digit is B. if its single digit A and ten digit B are exchanged, the two digit is 10B + A and the two digit is 10A + B
(1) Make the two digits larger than the original two digits
10B + AA (a, B is not equal to 0)
(3) To make two digits equal to the original two digits,
10B + a = 10A + B get a = B (a, B is not equal to 0)
In the case of Ba, the two digits are smaller than the original two digits. In the case of a = B, the two digits are equal to the original two digits, but a and B are not equal to 0