It says on my refrigerator that the power consumption is 0.58 kwh / 24 hours, It says on my refrigerator that the power consumption is 0.58 kwh / 24 hours. Does it mean 0.58 kwh / day or hourly

It says on my refrigerator that the power consumption is 0.58 kwh / 24 hours, It says on my refrigerator that the power consumption is 0.58 kwh / 24 hours. Does it mean 0.58 kwh / day or hourly

The nominal value of refrigerator is 0.58, which refers to the power consumption of a day. However, the national standard requires that the measured value ≤ the nominal value x115%, so the daily power consumption of your refrigerator should be 0.58x1.15 = 0.667kw