1. After a certain kind of corn was changed to high-quality coarse cereals, the per capita income of farmers this year increased by 20% compared with that of last year. The per capita income of farmers this year was 1.5 times less than that of last year by 1200 yuan. What was the per capita income of farmers in this township last year? 2. Saw a 100cm long wooden stick into two sections, so that the length of one section is 5cm less than that of the other section, which position of the stick should be sawed?

1. After a certain kind of corn was changed to high-quality coarse cereals, the per capita income of farmers this year increased by 20% compared with that of last year. The per capita income of farmers this year was 1.5 times less than that of last year by 1200 yuan. What was the per capita income of farmers in this township last year? 2. Saw a 100cm long wooden stick into two sections, so that the length of one section is 5cm less than that of the other section, which position of the stick should be sawed?

1. After a certain kind of corn is planted as high-quality coarse cereals, the per capita income of this year's farmers is 20% higher than that of last year. The per capita income of this year's farmers is 1200 yuan less than that of last year's 1.5 times. How much is the per capita income of this township last year? Set last year as X, then (1 + 20%) x = 1.5x-1200, x = 1200 / 0.3 = 4000 yuan