Using the equation, A travels five or 120 meters per minute, B 80 meters per minute. They start from store a to store B at the same time. When B arrives at store B, a has stayed in store B for two minutes. How many meters is the distance from store a to store B?

Using the equation, A travels five or 120 meters per minute, B 80 meters per minute. They start from store a to store B at the same time. When B arrives at store B, a has stayed in store B for two minutes. How many meters is the distance from store a to store B?

Let a walk for X minutes, and B walk for (x + 2) minutes
From the meaning of the title, we get 120x = 80 (x + 2)
The solution is x = 4
So 120x = 120 × 4 = 480
A: the distance from store a to store B is 480 meters