What is the indication when the two ends of the spring dynamometer are pulled by different forces? For example, 5N force at one end and 6N force at the other

What is the indication when the two ends of the spring dynamometer are pulled by different forces? For example, 5N force at one end and 6N force at the other

Gpcnytz's answer is totally wrong! It's not a great master!
Imagine, how do you weigh a jin of beef with a spring scale? Hold the spring scale in your hand, and then hang the meat on the hook of the spring scale, right? The beef has a downward pull on the spring scale (equivalent to a Jin), and the hand has an upward pull on the spring scale (equivalent to the force of directly lifting a jin of beef). Can the indication of the spring scale be two jin!
If one end uses 5N force and the other end uses 6N force, the force on the spring scale is unbalanced and will accelerate. The indication at this time is the calculation of Newton's second law under the condition of considering the mass of the spring scale itself. Let's wait until you go to high school
The building owner is good at thinking and deserves praise!