On the ceiling, there are four balls with the same electric quantity, a, B, C and D, suspended by insulated thin wires. A and B are negatively charged, C and D are positively charged. They are close to the positively charged object M. affected by the charged body m, the thin wires deflect, as shown in the figure (1) By observing the sacrificial deflection of ball a and ball B, we can draw the following conclusions (2) By observing the sacrificial deflection of the C and D balls of the system, we can draw the following conclusions (2) Compare the string deflection angle of a, B or C, D balls, what rule can you guess?

On the ceiling, there are four balls with the same electric quantity, a, B, C and D, suspended by insulated thin wires. A and B are negatively charged, C and D are positively charged. They are close to the positively charged object M. affected by the charged body m, the thin wires deflect, as shown in the figure (1) By observing the sacrificial deflection of ball a and ball B, we can draw the following conclusions (2) By observing the sacrificial deflection of the C and D balls of the system, we can draw the following conclusions (2) Compare the string deflection angle of a, B or C, D balls, what rule can you guess?

(1) The positive and negative attract each other (2) the electrodes of the same name repel each other (3) the force between the two balls is inversely proportional to the distance between the two balls