There is a piece of metal weighing 3.8 n in air with a spring scale Immerse it in the overflow cup filled with water, 50 ml of water flows into the measuring cylinder from the overflow cup, and calculate: (1) the volume of the metal block; (2) the buoyancy of the metal block in the water; (3) the reading of the spring scale when the metal block is in the water; (4) the density of the metal block

There is a piece of metal weighing 3.8 n in air with a spring scale Immerse it in the overflow cup filled with water, 50 ml of water flows into the measuring cylinder from the overflow cup, and calculate: (1) the volume of the metal block; (2) the buoyancy of the metal block in the water; (3) the reading of the spring scale when the metal block is in the water; (4) the density of the metal block

Here's the process!
(1) ∵ immersion, ∵ V gold = V row = 5 × 10-5m3
(2) F floating = ρ water GV drainage = 103kg / m3 × 10N / kg × 5 × 10-5m3 = 0.5N
(3) F = G-F = 3.8n = 0.5N = 3.3N
(4) M gold = g / g = 3.8n/10n/kg = 0.38kg