As shown in the figure, balls a and B are connected by a light spring with a stiffness coefficient of K1, ball B is suspended at point o with a thin line of length L, ball a is fixed directly below point O, and the distance between O and a is L. at this time, the tension of the rope is F1. Now, the spring between a and B is replaced by a light spring with a stiffness coefficient of K2 to balance the system. At this time, the tension of the rope is F2, and the size relationship between F1 and F2 is () A. F1 > f2b. F1 < F2C. F1 = F2D

As shown in the figure, balls a and B are connected by a light spring with a stiffness coefficient of K1, ball B is suspended at point o with a thin line of length L, ball a is fixed directly below point O, and the distance between O and a is L. at this time, the tension of the rope is F1. Now, the spring between a and B is replaced by a light spring with a stiffness coefficient of K2 to balance the system. At this time, the tension of the rope is F2, and the size relationship between F1 and F2 is () A. F1 > f2b. F1 < F2C. F1 = F2D

Taking the ball B as the research object, the force condition is analyzed. According to the equilibrium condition, the resultant force F of the spring force N and the rope tension f is equal to the gravity mg, and the direction is opposite, that is, f = mg. The resultant force of the force is shown in the figure, which is similar to the triangle; From the problem, OA = ob = L, we can get f = f = mg. It can be seen that the tension F of the rope is only related to the gravity of the ball B, and has nothing to do with the stiffness coefficient K of the spring, so we get F1 = F2. So we choose C