A maintenance team took a car along the road maintenance line, agreed to forward as positive, backward as negative, one day from the o to the end of work The route (unit: km) is + 10, - 3, + 4, + 2, - 8, + 13, - 2, + 12, + 8, + 5 (1) How far is the closing time from o? (2) If the fuel consumption per kilometer is 0.2 liter, how much is the total fuel consumption from O to the end of work? Formula

A maintenance team took a car along the road maintenance line, agreed to forward as positive, backward as negative, one day from the o to the end of work The route (unit: km) is + 10, - 3, + 4, + 2, - 8, + 13, - 2, + 12, + 8, + 5 (1) How far is the closing time from o? (2) If the fuel consumption per kilometer is 0.2 liter, how much is the total fuel consumption from O to the end of work? Formula

=41 (km)
(2)0.2 x(10+3+4+2+8+13+2+12+8+5)
=0.2 x 67
=13.4 (L)
A: it's 41 kilometers away from the ground at the end of the work, and the total fuel consumption is 13.4 liters