There is a pile of conical sand in the cement plant. The perimeter of the bottom is 62.8 meters and the height is 50 decimeters. The weight of each cubic meter of sand is 1.5 tons. How many tons is the mass of this pile of sand? Use the formula to solve the problem Pay attention to the unit

There is a pile of conical sand in the cement plant. The perimeter of the bottom is 62.8 meters and the height is 50 decimeters. The weight of each cubic meter of sand is 1.5 tons. How many tons is the mass of this pile of sand? Use the formula to solve the problem Pay attention to the unit

The bottom radius is 62.8 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 10m
Height: 50 decimeters = 5 meters
The mass of this pile of sand is: 1.5 × (1 / 3 × 3.14 × 10 × 10 × 5) = 785 (tons)