There is a pile of conical sand in the cement plant. The perimeter of the bottom is 62.8 meters and the height is 4 meters. The weight of each cubic meter of sand is 1.5 tons. How many tons does this ton of sand weigh

There is a pile of conical sand in the cement plant. The perimeter of the bottom is 62.8 meters and the height is 4 meters. The weight of each cubic meter of sand is 1.5 tons. How many tons does this ton of sand weigh

Bottom radius = 62.8 △ 2 △ π = 10m
Bottom area = 3.14 × 10-178; = 31400 square meters
Sand volume = 1 / 3 * 31400 * 4 ≈ 41867 cubic meters
41867 × 1.5 = 62800 tons