A cylindrical steel bottom diameter 8 cm long 90 cm, cast it into a bottom diameter 20 cm cylindrical machine parts, this machine parts height is how many cm? There are formulas, there are gains

A cylindrical steel bottom diameter 8 cm long 90 cm, cast it into a bottom diameter 20 cm cylindrical machine parts, this machine parts height is how many cm? There are formulas, there are gains

What is the radius of the bottom surface of cylindrical steel
8 △ 2 = 4cm
What is the volume of cylindrical steel
4 × 4 × 3.14 × 90 = 4521.6 cm3
What is the base radius of a cylindrical machine part
20 △ 2 = 10 cm
What is the base area of a cylindrical machine part
10 × 10 × 3.14 = 314 square centimeters
What is the height of cylindrical machine parts
4512.6 △ 314 = 14.4cm