The linear equation of the string of parabola y2 = - 8x bisected by point P (- 1,1) is________ .

The linear equation of the string of parabola y2 = - 8x bisected by point P (- 1,1) is________ .

Parabola y & sup2; = - 8x let the intersection of chord and parabola a (x1, Y1) B (X2, Y2) then Y1 & sup2; = - 8x1y2 & sup2; = - 8x2 subtract Y1 & sup2; - Y2 & sup2; = - 8 (x1-x2) (y1-y2) (Y1 + Y2) = - 8 (x1-x2) according to the meaning Y1 + y2 = 2, let any point on the straight line be (x, y), then (Y-1) / (x + 1) = (y1-y2