In a shooting competition, the result of a country's 10 times is 92 rings, and that of B country's 7 times is 9,10,9,10,10,9,8 respectively. If B country's athlete wants to surpass that of a country, how many rings should he hit in the last 3 times?

In a shooting competition, the result of a country's 10 times is 92 rings, and that of B country's 7 times is 9,10,9,10,10,9,8 respectively. If B country's athlete wants to surpass that of a country, how many rings should he hit in the last 3 times?

The results of the athletes of B country after 7 times are: 9,10,9,10,10,9,8; cumulative: 65 rings
If you want to surpass the 92 rings of the athletes in a country, you should have at least one 10 ring and two 9 rings