Within 100, the largest odd number divisible by 3 and 5 at the same time is () A. 75B. 85C. 90D. 95

Within 100, the largest odd number divisible by 3 and 5 at the same time is () A. 75B. 85C. 90D. 95

A. 75, the sum of the numbers on each digit can be divided by 3, which is consistent with the meaning of the question; B, 85, the sum of the numbers on each digit can't be divided by 3, which is not consistent with the meaning of the question; C, 90, the sum of the numbers on each digit is 0, which is not odd, which is not consistent with the meaning of the question; D, 95, the sum of the numbers on each digit can't be divided by 3, which is not consistent with the meaning of the question