Calculate the sum of the numbers that can be divided by 3 or 5 from 1 to 100, and display the numbers that can be divided by 3 or 5 Find the VB code, especially the sum part, urgent

Calculate the sum of the numbers that can be divided by 3 or 5 from 1 to 100, and display the numbers that can be divided by 3 or 5 Find the VB code, especially the sum part, urgent

Sub a() I = 1J = 1s = 0For I = 1 to 100 step 1If I mod 3 = 0 or I Mod 5 = 0 then cells (j + 1,1) = is = S + ij = j + 1end ifnext cells (1,1) = "the sum of numbers within 1 ~ 100 divisible by 3 or 5 equals" & End Sub