Use the smallest prime number, the smallest odd number, the smallest sum number and zero to form a four digit number. What are the maximum four digits that can be divisible by 2 and 5 at the same time? What are the minimum four digits that can only be divisible by 2?

Use the smallest prime number, the smallest odd number, the smallest sum number and zero to form a four digit number. What are the maximum four digits that can be divisible by 2 and 5 at the same time? What are the minimum four digits that can only be divisible by 2?

The minimum prime number is 2, the minimum odd number is 1, and the minimum sum number is 4. (the precondition is natural number, I think the landlord has forgotten this condition.) then the four digit number is composed of If it is divisible by 2.5 at the same time, it is divisible by 10, so it is 4210. The number divisible by 2 has even numbers such as 421024101240, only