For a simplest fraction, the numerator subtracts the smallest one digit divisible by 2 or 3, and the denominator adds the smallest prime number. The reciprocal of the fraction is 514. The original simplest fraction is 514______ .

For a simplest fraction, the numerator subtracts the smallest one digit divisible by 2 or 3, and the denominator adds the smallest prime number. The reciprocal of the fraction is 514. The original simplest fraction is 514______ .

514 = 214, the original simplest fraction numerator subtracts the smallest one digit divisible by 2 and 3, the denominator plus the smallest prime number is 421, the inverse method: the denominator subtracts the smallest prime number 2, the numerator plus 6, the original simplest fraction is: 4 + 621 − 2 = 1019; answer: the original simplest fraction is 1019; so the answer is: 1019