777 power of 777 + 888 power of 888 + 999 power of 999 single digit?

777 power of 777 + 888 power of 888 + 999 power of 999 single digit?

The result of the n-th power of 777 shows that the single digit is 7.931.793.1. So the single digit of 777 / 4 = 194... 1.777 is 7
Similarly, 888's n-th power single digit is 8 4 2 6, and 888 / 4 = 222 alternately, so 888's 888th power single digit is 6
The n-th power single digit of 999 is 9 1, and 999 / 2 appears alternately, so the 999 power single digit of 999 is 9
Comprehensive 7 + 6 + 9 = 22, the number of digits is 2