It is known that the a + 3 power of - 4Y multiplied by the 3 power of X and the 3-B power of 4x multiplied by the 4 power of y can be combined into one term, and the algebraic formula 3 can be obtained

It is known that the a + 3 power of - 4Y multiplied by the 3 power of X and the 3-B power of 4x multiplied by the 4 power of y can be combined into one term, and the algebraic formula 3 can be obtained

Because the a + 3 power of - 4Y multiplied by the 3 power of X and the 3-B power of 4x multiplied by the 4 power of y can be combined into one term, the times of Y in the two formulas should be equal, and the times of X should be equal
So, a + 3 = 4, 3 = 3-B, so a = 1, B = 0