Input integer m in the main function, store all prime numbers greater than 1 and less than integer m in the index group of XX Institute in function fun, and pass the number of prime numbers back to the main function. For example, input 25, then output 23571113191923; Requirements: the input of integer m and the output of prime number and prime number are completed in main function; The fun function stores all prime numbers greater than 1 and less than integer m into the index group of XX Institute, and transfers the number of prime numbers back to the main function through K;, The FUN function is called in the MAIN function.

Input integer m in the main function, store all prime numbers greater than 1 and less than integer m in the index group of XX Institute in function fun, and pass the number of prime numbers back to the main function. For example, input 25, then output 23571113191923; Requirements: the input of integer m and the output of prime number and prime number are completed in main function; The fun function stores all prime numbers greater than 1 and less than integer m into the index group of XX Institute, and transfers the number of prime numbers back to the main function through K;, The FUN function is called in the MAIN function.

Input any two positive integers m and N in the main function, call the first two functions to get the result, and then output