There are four real numbers. The first three are in equal proportion sequence, and their product is 216. The last three are in equal difference sequence, and their sum is 12 Set up four unknowns!

There are four real numbers. The first three are in equal proportion sequence, and their product is 216. The last three are in equal difference sequence, and their sum is 12 Set up four unknowns!

The product of the first three series is 216
Therefore, 216 = 6 under the second = 3 root sign
The last three numbers form an arithmetic sequence, and their sum is 12,
So, the third number is 12 / 3 = 4
The product of the first three numbers is 216
The first number = 216 / 6 / 4 = 9
The sum of the last four numbers is 12
The fourth number = 12-6-4 = 2
So these four numbers are 9, 6, 4 and 2 in turn