Given that a and B are opposite numbers, C and D are reciprocal numbers, the absolute value of x = 2 m is not equal to N, and the value of a + B + X & # - CDX of M-N is calculated In the following row of small squares, except for the known number, each letter in the other small squares represents a rational number, and the sum of the rational numbers in any three continuous squares is known to be 23. The square is Q 12 t a R K 8. This is the question from the table horizontally: ① the value of Q + T + A + R + K; ② the value of Q and T; ③ after the solution of question ②, Please explain the arrangement rules of the numbers in the small square, and guess what the number 2011 in the small square should be? (2) insert four numbers between - 35 and 5, so that the distance between each of the six adjacent numbers is equal, then the sum of the four numbers is (). Thank you

Given that a and B are opposite numbers, C and D are reciprocal numbers, the absolute value of x = 2 m is not equal to N, and the value of a + B + X & # - CDX of M-N is calculated In the following row of small squares, except for the known number, each letter in the other small squares represents a rational number, and the sum of the rational numbers in any three continuous squares is known to be 23. The square is Q 12 t a R K 8. This is the question from the table horizontally: ① the value of Q + T + A + R + K; ② the value of Q and T; ③ after the solution of question ②, Please explain the arrangement rules of the numbers in the small square, and guess what the number 2011 in the small square should be? (2) insert four numbers between - 35 and 5, so that the distance between each of the six adjacent numbers is equal, then the sum of the four numbers is (). Thank you

1. It is known that a, B are opposite to each other, C, D are reciprocal to each other, the absolute value of x = 2 m is not equal to N, and the value of a + B + X of M-N is calculated
(a+b +x²-cdx)/(m-n)
Because a and B are opposite to each other, C and D are reciprocal to each other, so a + B = 0, CD = 1
So the original formula = (X & # 178; - x) / (m-n) and because the absolute value of x = 2, so x = ± 2
Substituting x = ± 2 into (X & # 178; - x) / (m-n) yields 2 / (m-n); 6 / (m-n)
That is, the value of the original formula is: 2 / (m-n); 6 / (m-n)
2. In the following row of small squares, except for the known number, each letter in the other small squares represents a rational number, and the sum of the rational numbers in any three continuous squares is known to be 23. The square is Q 12 t a R K 8. This is the question from the table horizontally: ① the value of Q + T + A + R + K; ② the value of Q and T; ③ after the solution of question ②, Please explain the arrangement of the numbers in the small square, and guess what the number 2011 in the small square should be?
The equations are as follows
Q +12 + T =23
12+ T + A =23
T + A + R =23
A + R + K =23
R + K + 8 =23
To solve the equations, a = 8, q = 8, t = 3, k = 3, r = 12
② The values of Q and T are obtained: q = 8, t = 3
③ The arrangement of numbers in a small square is the repetition of the same group of numbers (3), namely: 8, 12, 3, 8, 12, 3, 8, 12, 3
2011 △ 3 = 670.1, so the number of 2011 is 8
3. Insert four numbers between - 35 and 5 so that the distance between each of the six adjacent numbers is equal,
Then the sum of these four numbers is (- 60)
D = [5 - (- 35)] / (4 + 2-1) = 8, the four numbers added are: - 27, - 19, - 11, - 3
-35+8=-27,-27+8=-19,-19+8=-11,-11+8=-3 .