If a fixed-point integer has 16 bits, including one sign bit, and is represented by the original code, the maximum negative absolute value is?

If a fixed-point integer has 16 bits, including one sign bit, and is represented by the original code, the maximum negative absolute value is?

If 16 bit signed integer, its range is - 2 ^ 15 to 2 ^ 15-1, then the largest negative number
The largest negative integer must be - 1, and the largest negative absolute value is - 2 ^ 15
You can see the binary system, where 1 is 1000000000001, 0 is 16 zeros, and - 1 is 16 ones. It can be seen that the first sign bit 1 represents a negative number, and the last 15 ones negate first and then add 1 to represent the value of 1
Correspondingly, the negative number with the largest absolute value is 1 in the first place and 0 in the second place. That is to say, take the reverse plus 1, that is, add 1 to 15 1s in the binary system. That is not to say (if you don't look at the sign bit, just look at the binary system), 1 in the first place and 0 in the second place, that is, 2 ^ 15
So the largest negative absolute value is - 2 ^ 15
This is actually an inverse code solving process~